- Finance
- Change Management
- Community Building
- Learning Design
2022An international community dedicated to young talent.
Ambassador system involved
in co-design.

Enabling the under 36s to become
protagonists of change.
The Personnel Department of the IMI-CIB Division asked logotel to design a community for its employees under 36, some 800 people worldwide.
The aim was to create a tool to develop collaboration between colleagues, a sense of belonging to the company, create new rituals and encourage personal growth.
The challenge was to think of a place in the hybrid and reticular logic that characterises the most advanced organisations, to animate it to enable new networks of influence and links of interdependence between the nodes by orienting them towards a common perspective, to intertwine the individual, team and community/organisation dimensions.

Shape, where physical and digital spaces
hybridise to give shape
to a place of sharing
Project managers, developers, visual and service designers, video makers and community managers from logotel worked as a team to shape Shape, an ecosystem that promotes a continuous exchange between generations, talents and interests.
The Community is a space that fosters connections between young people in the IMI-CIB Division, a place where best practices can be exchanged, interests shared and, above all, an impact on the shared future can be generated.
Shape aims at enhancing the value and loyalty of IMI-CIB’s young talents, optimising the management of the corporate ecosystem and consolidating economic performance, improving employee branding and, consequently, the attractiveness of IMI-CIB on the labour market.

Generating impact
enabling engagement
and participation.
IMI-CIB’s young employees are involved as active participants in the change and, through their role, contribute to redefining the strategies and priorities of the Bank of the future.
The community experience is co-designed in a bottom-up logic with the key input of the Ambassadors, a small group of under 36s from major international subsidiaries who play an active role in engaging and inspiring colleagues.
Ambassadors and the editorial staff are the enablers of the engagement and participation processes. Content, activities, discussions and tools in the community are designed to allow all participants to express themselves and relate to other people and roles, in a path of growth and involvement.

The pillars of Shape are the Ambassadors. To enable them to perform their role to the best of their ability, logotel accompanies them in dedicated training sessions in which they acquire practical tools useful in different contexts.
Supported by the editorial team, the Ambassadors stimulate and moderate conversations, intercepting needs and expectations from below, and organise local initiatives to facilitate opportunities for meeting, sharing and exchange.
International young talents
Dedicated co-design sessions
Countries worldwide